
麦士-MaxTM 多编钢绳吊索(平行编织环眼)


US Patent #5,561,973 & Patents Pending


这是一条柔软而最强的多编钢绳吊索。它可带来最强的吊索和销子D/d比例 – 1:1 D是销子的直径,d是吊索主干的直径。(当销子直径和钢绳直径比较时,D/d比例是4:1)


麦士-Max™多编钢绳吊索在起吊重物时最有效率,又能满足所有标准。环眼部分用 12根钢丝绳,以平行编织而成,因此绳和绳之间不会交叉折叠。环眼部分用了厚的护 套,把钢绳的位置固定。


吊索是根据美国海军和钢丝绳技术部索具指南的要求和规定而开发。吊索已经通过 认证试验,在附上细小销子时,其负载能力,是多编织钢绳吊索中最强,因为环眼部分 是由12根钢丝绳平行编织而成。


Gator-Max™wire rope sling is the strongest multi-part sling with great flexibility. This develops its full strength on small pins with a D/d ratio of 1:1 where D is the diameter of pin and d is the diameter of sling body. (D/d ratio is 4:1 when comparing the pin to the component parts.)


For heavy lifting work this is the most efficient wire rope sling that meets all of the standards. The eyes have the wire ropes (12) laid in parallel so that there is no cross over and then they are wrapped with heavy duty material to keep them in position.


This sling was developed to meet conditions specified by the US Navy and the Wire Rope Technical Board Sling Manual. Testing has proven it to be the strongest multi-part wire rope sling when attached to small pins because it has twelve parts of wire rope in the loop in a parallel construction.



Gator-Max™ Wire Rope Sling Specification
